February Garden To Do’s

February Garden To Do’s

…..six more weeks. We need it!
Don’t crawl back in a hole (or under your blankets) until Spring is here. We’ve barely had any winter so bring on the snow while you take time to plan.

1. Register now for the DPS School Garden Forum or the JeffCo School Garden Summit. Both events are open to the public and free, covering lots of school garden related topics.

2. Schedule your garden committee planning meeting. Topics for the meeting might include: organizational and maintenance subcommittees, themed gardens, harvest “cooking” activities, volunteer work days, Garden to Cafeteria, Youth Farm Stand.

3. Spark interest school-wide around the garden by putting a write-up in the school newsletter or whatever all-school communication you have.

4. Start planning now! Be organized with these useful lessons in Slow Food USA’s Clean curriculum pages 14-20 .


In the garden…

1. Improve your yield, minimize problems – test your soil. CSU offers soil testing.

2. What’s in your dirt? Have kids explore the composition and characteristics of different garden soils using this activity on Pages 9-11.

3. Use phenology observe the periodic cycles of the season. Pages 21- 23.

4. Start your cool season crops indoors: broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts and kohlrabi. Use the easy to follow seed sowing activity on Pages 41-43 and how to make seed windows on Pages 39-40 for hands on learning activities.


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